Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Atalandi, Come Back!

I bought this dress last Wednesday at Brimfield.  (Looked a mess, yes, but had absolutley nothing wrong with it- Just had been disassembled at the seams by a seamstress who was about to alter it.)  On Thursday I put it back together, and on Friday I sold it to Atalandi:
Atalandi was/is visiting from London, had been in the store a couple of years ago, but had to google around to find me again.   She found this blog.
Now I'm hoping she'll visit the blog again, because she left without the matching belt for the dress (paying cash and only telling me her first name).  It's one of the tragedies of the vintage clothing business; self-matching belts getting separated from their dresses!

While I'm on the subject--Here's another woman I'm looking for:

She bought this 40's rayon skirt suit over two years ago---
and I'm still waiting for her to walk in again so I can present her with the matching belt.

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